The Perfect Job
      作者     來源:     發佈時間:9/26/2008 9:53:40 AM     流覽次數:5717
The Perfect Job 
 Does it exist? In a way it does. If you are capable of being in a profession that you chose to be in or like being in and you find the people you work with stimulating and, this is a big "and", you feel that you are making a contribution, then you can to a degree say, yes, I have a perfect job.

Having the perfect job does in most cases mean that a person is dedicated to his or her career. Makes sacrifices that other people aren't willing to make. Having the perfect career doesn't mean that it's always easy. It means that the job is working for the individual rather that the individual working for the job. It also doesn't always involve high remuneration packages, mammoth expense accounts, shiny company cars or a big corner office with a view. Sure, these things make it "easier" to work in a company, even if they despise it. These perks are corporate Velcro that motivates individuals to cling to their companies, their jobs and their careers even if it's not going that great.

Having a positive attitude towards your job is a big step in eventually getting or making you current job the perfect one. When driving in your car in the morning repeat to yourself that you will have a good productive day that you will achieve everything you set out to achieve. This sounds like psycho babble but it works. After a week you will see an improvement, if not for your co-workers, but a change in your attitude towards your job.

Don't get stuck and fester. If there is no way that your job is working for you get out! People in general are way to frugal when it comes to changing jobs. Sure it's a big scary step to take for anyone but grab that one chance to get the perfect job. Close your eyes, clinch your teeth, take that first step and go for it!

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