Personal Coaching
      作者:Rich Wootten     來源:     發佈時間:6/22/2009 10:20:37 AM     流覽次數:5272
Personal Coaching

What is Personal Coaching?

Anyone who has every done any sport will know this…… A personal coach is someone who can sit outside of your problems and help you see what is going on. A personal coach is a bit like having a sports coach in your personal life who can help you set goals and then achieve them.



Ever been stuck in a rut or not knowing where you’re going? I know I have. A coach works with you to firstly find out where you are, then looks at where you want to be. Helps you set goals to get there, then make sure you stick to your action plan.


What’s the difference between Personal Coaching and Counselling?

Easy, counselling deals with the past, personal coaching deals with the future.


My Experiences with Personal Coaching.

I came across a personal coach during a regular breakfast meeting I attend. Being a recruitment consultant, I tend to be, shall we say….. Confident. I never thought I look at a coach for me as I am already great!!!!!!


Well, I took the trial session and found that I could really use this a as sounding board, together we took a long look at what I’d achieved so far and where I was at that moment in my life. This gave me a good insight as to where I was likely to go in the future. We set a number of goal and over the next 11 weeks I chipped away at them.


It was a really powerful thing to do, at the end I took a look back a saw what I had achieved. Also instead of being a crotch that you come back to every time you have a problem, the coach equips you to think through problems quickly and shows you how to set the goals yourself.


You can still go back from time to time if you wish, my coach does a Power Hour, which enables you to work through one particular problem. I have often thought this would be good for people who are about to go for an interview and want someone objective to who can go over a few things with you. I may just give you that edge.

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