
Selling Over the Phone
      Author:jobsdb.com     Source: jobsdb.com     Release Time:8/27/2008 9:34:58 AM     View Times:5693

Selling Over the Phone

If you think selling a product or service in front of customers is not easy, it will certainly be more difficult to sell over the phone. What would you do if customers simply say they are too busy now and then hang up the phone?

Don't Sell
Most people receiving sales phone calls tend to reply in two ways - either they are too busy right now or they are not interested in the products / services mentioned. Therefore, salespeople should not "sell" their products. They should focus on the customer's needs or problems, and start building up a relationship with them instead.

Don't Cram
Do not start your conversation by telling customers the whole range of products or services you offer. They do not need such information all of a sudden in the middle of the day when they are busy at work. And the buying decision of customers is not based on information alone. So if you just cram information into their mind, you are doomed to failure.

Identify Needs
Try to find out the emotional needs of the customers. Their needs may be hidden and not easy to be found out. Take time. If you can find them out, you may get a chance to solve their problem by recommending your products or services to them.

Listen More
Therefore you should learn to listen to customers. Do not talk too much. Most salespeople tend to talk a lot because they want to let customers know what they can offer.

Be Prepared
When potential customers have shown their interests, you can begin recommending your products or services to them. To make a convincing sales pitch, you have to know your products and services. Have a good preparation before you make the phone call. Your sales pitch should be able to let the customer visualize the product or understand the practicality of the service. Highlight the key features of the product / service and eliminate unnecessary details. Remember to prepare answers for common questions.

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