
Balancing work & life - Understanding yourself (II)
      Author:jobsdb.com     Source: jobsdb.com     Release Time:9/10/2008 9:35:26 AM     View Times:5646
Balancing work & life - Understanding yourself

Chapter 2 - Analyzing yourself (II)

Watching your words

The most important conversations you hold in life are the ones that you hold with yourself. Notice how your "self-talk" influences your beliefs, choices and actions. Start to listen to what you are telling yourself: -

  • "I can't…"
  • "Yes, but…"
  • "If only…"

Make sure that you do not talk yourself out of what might be possible. Tell yourself that an effective work and life balance is a definite possibility and develop an "I can" mind-set. Adopt a new vocabulary that can help you overcome doubt, anxiety cynicism, and tiredness.

Making choices

People constantly make choices that influence their lives. It is easy to feel that you are not in control of your actions or decisions, but the reality is that you are. For example: -

  • When your boss asks you to do something, make sure that you are in a position to carry out the request and be honest if you feel it is not feasible.
  • Always consider the consequences of your choices for yourself and others.
  • Remember that your actions do not only affect you, but also those around you.

Taking action

Taking action is about taking responsibility for your life. Do not blame circumstances, conditions, or others for your experiences. It is your choice either to wait for your life to get better, or take action. The extent to which you are willing to act is equal to how far you are exercising your "pro-activity muscle". Developing this "muscle" is comparable to working out at the gym - you cannot expect to develop strong biceps overnight. Practice creating a proactive mind-set and look for ways to enhance your life each day - then ACT!


  1. Changing your self-talk can change your life.
  2. The results you achieve depend on the choices and decisions that you make.
  3. You are responsible for the choices that you make, and you can take control of your work and life balance.

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