
Balancing work & life - Understanding yourself (Ⅴ)
      Author:jobsdb.com     Source: jobsdb.com     Release Time:9/16/2008 10:10:43 AM     View Times:5956
Balancing work & life - Understanding yourself (Ⅴ)

Chapter 5 -Planning Action

The key to implementing good intentions is to create and follow an Action Plan for your work and life. Identify your objectives, clarify your goals, and set yourself achievable targets.

Focusing on Objectives

Identify an objective and then think through how you will achieve it before you embark on an Action Plan.


Questions to ask yourself: -
  • Am I clear about what I want to achieve?
  • How will I know I have achieved it?
  • Do I need more information?
  • Am I willing and able to take responsibility for my goals?
  • Have I set myself realistic goals?
  • How will I reward myself for successes?

Knowing Who

You will achieve your goals if you ask for support from the appropriate people: -

  • Identify the key players in your situation;
  • Discuss your plans and ask for their input when necessary.

Involving key players: -

  • Family - Discuss and agree your plan with your family.
  • Friends - Talk over your ideas with your friends and be open to new options.
  • Colleagues - Talk to your colleagues and ask for their input and advice when necessary.

Deciding Steps

It is vital to identify clearly how you will achieve each goal before you take action so that you can stay focused. Break down each goal into bite-sized chunks and prioritize each chunk. Ask for a second opinion on the steps you have recognized, and if necessary, involve the appropriate people in particular steps.

Managing Your Time

Identify realistic time frames for actions so that you can pace yourself, stay focused and measure your progress. Remember, if your ultimate objective is to achieve a better balance between your work and life, it defeats the object to set unrealistic targets that create unnecessary pressure on you.

Sample Action Plan

Making an Action Plan to achieve "Work-Life Balance"
GoalInformation NeededSteps to TakeDeadline
To enjoy a family activity at least once a week
To have a family discussion about what activities each of us enjoy and what types of hobbies we could do together.

Discuss mutual interests.
Agree on shared activities.

20 Sep 04
To increase my efficiency & productivity.
To talk to my immediate superior to help me clarifying my role and finding out what my most crucial day-to-day tasks are.

Review my workload and
Speak to my immediate
superior my priorities.

25 Sep 04
Continued Education
To enroll an English course
To find out the English courses available in the market and identify those are suitable for myself.

Work out a personalized
study plan.

30 Sep 04


  1. People do not plan to fail, they fail to plan.
  2. If plans become outdated, be flexible and look for alternative solutions.
  3. It can be motivating to tell someone your Action Plan.
  4. Whenever you make a plan, always take at least one action immediately.

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