
The Nuts and Bolts of Successful Networking
      Author:Englishtown.com     Source: Englishtown.com     Release Time:9/24/2008 2:43:53 PM     View Times:5715
The Nuts and Bolts of Successful Networking
What makes one businessperson better than the next at networking? Dr. Ivan Misner, author of Masters of Networking, has found there are universaltraits that are the most important in good networking. The list may surprise you. Misner found that the No. 1 characteristic of a successful networker was a person who follows up on referrals. The other top four traits, in order of importance, are: positive attitude; enthusiastic; trustworthy and a good listener.

Misner has committed his professional life to the study of networking. In 1985, he founded BNI (Business Network Int'l.), the world's largest referral organization.

"Often, business people don't have a clue how to build their business through word of mouth," said Misner. "Most of them know it's very important, but they think they cannot do much about it."

One of the keys to successful networking is having a system in place, Misner said. An organization like BNI provides that. Each BNI chapter has about 20 to 30 members, and each member is from a different profession. The chapter meets weekly with each member speaking about his or her business for a minute, and one member giving a more detailed presentation.

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