
A Human Relations Approach in Making Sales
      Author:JobsDB HK     Source: JobsDB HK     Release Time:10/29/2009 5:03:30 PM     View Times:6102

Eloquence is one of the essential qualities in successful salespeople. This does not mean one-way persuasive speech to sell your products or services to potential clients. In the sales process, the key is to know how to start and facilitate a conversation.

To let job seekers and those in the sales sector to learn more about the sales techniques, JobsDB organized a Sales Seminar in early July 2009. Paul Chan, Chief Trainer of Dale Carnegie Training Hong Kong shared with 250 job seekers a human relations approach to selling.

Chan said that in conversations, it is essential to build up trust and be creative. It is advised to start the conversation with a question that is based on a need. He mentioned using the credibility statement in making sales conversation. During conversations, response generators can be used in order to get feedback, thereby making the conversation go on. These include the following:

  • In what way?
  • Give me an example.
  • How so?
  • Tell me more.
  • Oh?
  • What does it mean to you?

He advised the audience to be honest and sincere in the conversation. That is the most important sales philosophy.

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