
The Psychology of Success
      Author:Judith Leary-Joyce     Source: Network     Release Time:10/30/2009 5:52:54 PM     View Times:5412
     The Psychology of Success shows how you too can live a life of many peaks. By speaking to a wide range of people who have experienced both success and failure, Judith Leary-Joyce has uncovered the secrets of serial achievement. Some of these people have already achieved many different career and life peaks, some are still getting there and others have resigned themselves to never making it. By drawing on these studies, and her extensive experience as a psychologist and business coach, Judith sets out a clear path for you to follow in your quest to live the most satisfying and rewarding life you can.

This book will help you:

  • Identify the emotional drivers that help you move forward and those that hold you back
  • Explore the attitudes of real life people who are successful and what can be learned from their experience
  • Address your assumptions about life and work, and discover how to 'peak' in different ways, at different times
Publisher                Pearson Education
Author                   Judith Leary-Joyce
Publishing Date      June 2009
Number of Pages   328

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