職位要求: |
Candidates who are chosen to participate 2-year Retail Management Trainee program will be assigned to work in designated retail shops to gain frontline operational experience and people management skills in a commercial environment. The trainees are also offered chances to participate in or lead various business projects. The successful candidates should have: - Degree holder in retail / hospitality management, business administration or related disciplines ;
- Preferably have at least 1 year post-graduation working experience.
- Passion to develop a long-term career at luxury retail industry.
- Out-going and down-to-earth personality, and attitude to strive for excellence.
- With traits of business acumen, self-motivated and able to work independently.
- Good command in both spoken and written English and Chinese, fluent in Mandarin.
- Good presentation / report writing skill and is computer literate.
Interested parties, please apply the job via Job852.com!
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