職位要求: |
Pret is inviting managers with a minimum of 2-5 years experience in the F&B industry to join our fun loving, energetic and passionate team in Hong Kong.
We provide extensive on-the-job training programmes of approximately 16 weeks with tailor made modular training packs, e-learning apps and off the job training workshops in our Pret Academy in Causeway Bay and great trainer in shops..
We also offer a 5 day working week, 15 days annual leave and lots more benefits. We are offering very attractive salary packages with a 'pay as much as we can afford not as little as we can get away with' policy - plus quarterly paid bonus.
Core responsibilities are ensuring your team and customer’s happiness is always prioritised, providing speedy service while never compromising standards always putting the customer first. Understanding your customer profile, being the gatekeeper of standards and safety and having the ability and drive to maximise your business’s potential.
Our Assistant Managers are responsible for managing the front of house and team. They support their team to deliver a wonderful customer experience by creating a relaxed, comfortable environment for our eat in customers and a fast efficient service for those wishing to take away.
Please apply online via job852 talent net position, are met. |
企業聯繫方式(請登入查看) |
只有註冊會員才可以看到企業詳細的聯繫方式,享受更完善服務,歡迎註冊成為我們的會員! |
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