職位要求: |
Responsibilities 職責: - Ensure all hostel equipment are operated properly in accordance with standards 確保所有旅舍設備均按照標準正常操作
- To be responsible for the maintenance of E&M, engineering facilities, the interior and exterior etc of the entire hostel 負責維修機電設備、工程設施、以及整個旅舍的內外設施
- Carry out repairs, regular maintenance of hostel facilities, mechanical plants and equipment as required 定期進行旅舍設施維護和檢修
- Coordinate with contractors to ensure the smooth completion of project works and monitor out-sourced maintenance work in accordance with standards 與各承辦商協調以確保順暢地完成施工項目
- Perform standby duty after normal office hours, during adverse weather condition and typhoon period, and carry out emergency repairs works when required and other ad hoc duties 執行由上司指派的輪班或其他工作
Requirements 入職要求: - F.3 or above, Vocational Certificate in Building Services / Mechanical / Electrical Engineering or related discipline 中三程度或以上,持有屋宇裝備/機械/電機文憑/技工證書或同等學歷
- 2 years' relevant experience preferably in hotel / hostel properties 2年以上相關經驗
- Experience in E&M system including MVAC and plumbing & drainage 曾處理或具備如下工作經驗優先:E&M系統包括通風、空調、水喉、排水及渠務
- Holder of Registration of Electrical worker in Grade A or above 電工A牌
- Holder of Construction Industry Safety Training 平安卡
- Holder of Other Skill Cards will be a plus 其他技能卡或大/中工證書更佳
- Basic PC knowledge, English and Mandarin will be an advantage 懂基本電腦操作、英語及中文更佳
- Willing to work on rotating shift in rural area 願意在郊區青年旅舍輪班工作
- Candidate with more experience will be considered as Senior Technician 具更高資歷者可聘用為高級維修技工
Interested parties, please apply the job via Job852.com! 有意者请通过Job852.com申请此职位!
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