職位要求: |
Responsibilities: Team building - Identifying and recruiting high caliber candidates to join the team and build business together Team development and coaching - fully supported to assist your way up to Middle/Senior Management Grade Analyze individual's present financial needs and future goals Provide professional advices and solutions with a customized financial plan Products/Services include Education Fund Plan, Investment Global Funds, Retirement Plan, Protection Package Provide MPF/ORSO, Group Medical and Keyman Insurances to Employers and Employees
If you desire for a breakthrough in the career development to own a truly stable and long-term career till retirement, don't miss this excellent opportunity in the prosperous and uplifting financial planning industry! Offer and Opportunity: Provide professional training and knowledge for financial planning and management. Attractive manager override scheme and recruitment bonus Year-end performance bonus (6-digits) Excellent promotion track to become Senior Management Grade Professional workshops for effective management and coaching skills Special company contribution in your pension scheme(Agent Bonus Plan) Life insurance, Medical benefit and low mortgage interest rate 8 days financial planning intensive training couse/4 days exam class 18 month follow up training and personal coaching Monthly provide Career seminar/Hong Kong Contonese Toastmasters Club
Basic Requirement: F.5 or Above Over 1 year working experiences or Degree holder Self-initiated and strong desire for a successful career Responsible, achievement- and service-mind Communication, interpersonal and analytical skill Hong Kong permanent residence Good command of spoken Cantonese Fresh Graduate will be considered Interested parties, please apply the job via Job852.com!
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