職位要求: |
職責 Duties and Responsibilities- 蔬菜包裝員需處理一般包裝蔬菜工作,包括分類、磅重、包裝、貼標籤、封口、操作簡單工場切割蔬菜機器
Sorting, weighing, packing, labelling, sealing and operation of vegetable cutting machine - 有需要搬運蔬菜出入冷凍儲存倉庫(約攝氏2-4度),重量為2-10公斤Movement of vegetables in and out of storage chiller of temperature of 2-4 Degree Celsius, with average weight from 2.5kg to 10kg per crate
- 每月$7,500,每周工作5.5天,每天工作8.5小時,輪休
$7,500 per month, 5.5 days per week, 8.5 hours per day. Shift holiday. - 能操基本廣東話及英語,懂閱讀中文及英語
Fair spoken Cantonese and English ; Able to read and write Chinese and English - 工作環境為室內冷氣房間,團隊親切友善
Working in an air-conditioned, friendly team environment - 具團體精神,保持工場清潔,定期協助盤點存貨及執行公司要求其他職務等
Able to work as part of a team. Maintain good hygiene of workplace. Assist company in regular stock keeping. Helping other team members when needed and/or required. - 守時誠實,工作態度認真細心,注重細節,有責任感
Punctual and honest, exceptional attention to detail, tidy and organized, responsible - 有食品包裝經驗者優先
Experience in food packing is preferred Job Type: Full-time
Salary: $7,500 /month有意者請在線申請工作,謝謝! Interested
parties, please apply the job via Job852.com! |
企業聯繫方式(請登入查看) |
只有註冊會員才可以看到企業詳細的聯繫方式,享受更完善服務,歡迎註冊成為我們的會員! |
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