職位要求: |
Roles & responsibilities:- Support the Principal Corporate Communications Manager to formulate and implement annual working plan of the Corporate Communications Branch to enhance the TWGH’s exposure and image;
- plan the production of internal and external communications materials, corporate publications, audio visual materials and sourcing of souvenirs to ensure quality materials/souvenirs are produced within the allocated budgets;
- direct the Corporate Communications team to plan and organize public relation activities, conference and exhibition of the Group;
- manage the planning, development and effective execution of PR relationship building campaigns to achieve the Group’s publicity targets;
- build and update corporate website to promote the Group’s image as a socially responsible organization committed to providing quality medical, education and community services for the public;
- monitor media coverage about the Group and formulate effective means for proper record keeping in order to identify the pressure points that may have negative impact on the Group’s image efficiently;
- implement annual manpower plan, direct training and staff development programmes to ensure the team is equipped with functional/technical, managerial leadership abilities in carrying out their job requirements;
- organize and conduct media training programmes for the Board, the senior management team and school/service centre heads for enhancing their readiness in effectively handling crisis and dealing with the media; and
- explore and initiate new opportunities for media collaboration and networking to promote the image of the Group.
The ideal candidates should possess: |
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