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職位名稱: Chief Executive and Secretary    過期職位
提供月薪: 面議 工作類型: 全職
學歷要求: 中學程度 工作地點: 中國香港
招聘人數: 1 工作經驗:
更新日期: 2020年03月25日 職位類型:



行政 / 秘書: 文書 / 行政 / 營運, 其他, 個人助理 / 秘書, 接待員
管理: 管理


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) was incorporated under the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Ordinance, Chapter 1105 of the Laws of Hong Kong in 1975. The Institution sets standards for the training and admission of engineers and has strict rules governing its members’ conduct. As a learned society, it regularly organises activities to keep members abreast of the latest engineering developments and for the purpose of continuing professional development. For further information, please visit https://www.hkie.org.hk/.

Chief Executive and Secretary

•    Reporting to the governing Council of the HKIE, the Chief Executive and Secretary is the Chief Executive Officer of the Institution and the key person to lead the HKIE to its next stage of development;
•    Serving as Secretary to the Council and implementing policies formulated by the Council;
•    Managing a Secretariat of around 70 well-qualified staff with high degree of effectiveness to ensure provision of the Institution’s quality services as well as promoting and upholding its image and reputation;
•    Promoting recognition by government, industry and leading international organizations as the body that qualifies and represents Hong Kong engineers;
•    Consolidating members’ views on consultation documents and providing excellent services for members of the Institution.

•    A visionary, inspiring and dynamic leader with proven ability to effectively drive changes;
•    Demonstrable track record of developing networks amongst peer institutions and professionals as well as interfacing with leaders and senior personnel in industry, government and related professions at the local and international levels;
•    Strong influential management skills, with demonstrated leadership qualities in community building, good governance practices and preferably with some knowledge of qualifying systems for professionals;
•    Excellent communication and people management skills;
•    Proven ability to implement and manage Institutional policies and strategies;
•    A Bachelor or above degree;
•    Proficiency in English, Cantonese and Putonghua;
•    Engineering knowledge is highly desirable but not essential.

HKIE is being represented by Asianet Consultants. Please submit nominations or applications by 20 April 2020 to:


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