職位要求: |
Location: Yau Ma Tei/Causeway Bay
Roles & responsibilities:- Provide basic imaging services in general radiography independently; and
- assist Radiographer I and/or Radiologist in the delivery of special modality services, including radiation safety activities.
The ideal candidate should possess:- a degree in Radiography from a local university or equivalent;
- a Certificate of Registration (Category D) (Part II) and a valid Practising Certificate issued by the Radiographers Board of Hong Kong; and
- fluency in written English and Chinese as well as spoken English and Cantonese.
- (Please specify in the resume or application form the relevant qualifications/working experience you have attained in detail.)
Compensation & employment terms: The successful candidate will be appointed on contract terms with a salary currently at $28,725 per month (Tung Wah Master Pay Scale Point 14) plus a monthly allowance currently at $2,390 and housing allowance. Entry salary and monthly allowance depend on years of recognized experience. The salary and allowance are subject to downward/upward adjustment or may be frozen as determined by Tung Wah and/or as appropriate with reference to the civil service pay review. The fringe benefits include paid leave, medical services, dental scheme and training sponsorship. A 15% contract discretionary payment (to be offset by the total amount of contributions made by Tung Wah under the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme) will be granted upon satisfactory completion of the contract period |
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