職位要求: |
Incu-Lab is an organization working on incubation of innovative and creative startups and change-making entrepreneurs, through providing co-working space, courses, training, education channels and multi-layer knowledge. Creating meaningful and interesting social change is what global citizens needed in the 21st century. Incu-Lab believes everyone can be a change-maker. We inspire dreamers and innovators through adequate training and capacity-building education. We aim to encourage more startups and entrepreneurs from all fields including art, culture, technology, internet, community, social enterprise and so on, to stand out, to integrate and to make impact to society.
We are looking for high caliber candidates with the following qualification: Fundraising Manager Responsibilities: - Manage the fundraising activities and organization development of the org in order to achieve fundraising targets.
- Building up projects and developing plans that can help the various communities, by addressing the needs and concerns of corporate sponsors, funding bodies, fellows and stakeholders.
Requirements: - Degree holder
- Outgoing and interested in doing social change, innovation, entrepreneurship, startup and change-making projects
- Attentive to details, self-motivated, well organized with positive attitudes, got entrepreneur spirit
- Good communication and presentation skills, with good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese
企業聯繫方式(請登入查看) |
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