職位要求: |
- Support Project Manager for various matters
- Responsible for administrative duties such as filing, typing, copying, binding, scanning etc
- Provide clerical support to project team
- Prepare quotations and tender documents
- Liaise with customers/supplier/subcontractor to collect various information/cost for preparation of tender and quotation.
- Participating in ad-hoc projects as assigned
- Higher Certificate (Diploma / Higher Diploma) or above, preferably with 1 or more years of administration experience
- Well organized, careful and attention to details are musts
- Good interpersonal and communication skills, patient, careful, detail-minded and able to multi-tasks
- Good PC skills, familiar with MS word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, English and Chinese Processing
We offer an attractive remuneration package (including performance bonus, subsidy and other fringe benefits) |
企業聯繫方式(請登入查看) |
只有註冊會員才可以看到企業詳細的聯繫方式,享受更完善服務,歡迎註冊成為我們的會員! |
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