Job duties
Senior Citizen Home Safety Association (‘SCHSA’) was founded in 1996 as a non-profit charitable organisation with a self-financing model. Today it is one of the most established social enterprises in Hong Kong. SCHSA provides Care-on-Call Service, a comprehensive 24/7 support service consisting of emergency aid, integrated care, around-the-clock vigilance service, health management, and day-to-day living assistance. The Association also provides training and workshops to the elderly and their family and caregivers. In addition, SCHSA’s EasyHome Services provide at-home care to elderly consisting of elderly care, medical escort, house cleaning and rehabilitation services. SCHSA strives to enable elderly to age in place and lead quality lives independently. SCHSA innovates and leverages technology to deliver people-centric services.
We are looking for talented and passionate individuals who are interested in combining the challenge of running real businesses with the satisfaction of delivering tangible social impact and direct community engagement. We are open to strong candidates who consider this as their second career.
- 支援電話慰問中心日常運作
- 協助帶領團隊提供優質電話慰問服務
- 執行其他委派之工作
- 中五或中學文憑試以上程度,具熱線中心或長者服務工作經驗優先考慮
- 良好溝通能力,對工作有熱誠,態度積極,具有責任感及團隊合作精神
- 熟悉電腦操作及文書處理,中文打字每分鐘20字 (任何輸入法)
- 工作時間 : 09:00-18:00,五天工作週,每週工作44小時,星期六輪休