職位要求: |
- Administrate Security appliance, e.g. Firewall, Endpoints, DLP, Anti-virus and Spam filtering etc.;
- Maintain & Support company IT security assessment, audit, compliance & security controls to ensure they are compliable with the corporate level's security standards;
- Implement security fix in timely manner;
- Perform intrusion analysis using SIEM technology, packet captures, reports, data visualization, log analysis and pattern analysis.
- Support Information Security activities, e.g. logs review, Phishing Simulation, Incident Response Drill, Security Awareness Training etc.;
- Monitor information security violations incidents, timely respond rapid security breaches and remediation;
- Keeps current on the IT threat landscape and upcoming trends in cybersecurity.
- Degree in Computer Science/Cyber Security/Information Technology or related disciplines;
- Minimum 1 year hands on experience in information security;
- Experience with implementing and administering information security appliances or tools, e.g. Firewalls, Endpoint security tools or SIEM;
- Hands on experience in System Hardening and vulnerability assessment would be an advantage;
- Experience with common information security management framework such as ISO27001 or NIST is a plus;
- Knowledge of Cloud Security is a plus;
- CCNA/CISA/CISSP is a plus;
- Good team player, strong troubleshooting and analytical skill, self-motivated and willing to learn;
- Candidate with more experience will also be considered;
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