歡迎來到 香港人才網代理招聘

職位名稱: Production Manager (印後加工經理)    過期職位
提供月薪: 面議 工作類型: 全職
學歷要求: 文憑/證書 工作地點: 中國香港
招聘人數: 1 工作經驗: 3年
更新日期: 2022年10月08日 職位類型:


Job Description

This position, reporting to Assistant General Manager in Production, supervises our Shenzhen plant’s post-press production activities. The ideal candidate possesses extensive knowledge in a wide variety of paper products, post-press manufacturing processes, as well as management experience in printing manufacturing.

He or She is a detail-oriented individual with great inter-personal skills and can carry out work in an organized and efficient manner.


  • Oversee production activities across post-press production departments
  • Work closely with PMC and QA teams to ensure timely order delivery in accordance with customer quality standards
  • Collaborate with PE/IE team to optimize workflow, tooling, and line setup ahead of production
  • Supervise and set performance expectations for floor personnel, guide work teams to achieve efficiency targets and KPI goals
  • Develop and lead training programs to allow continuous staff development
  • Establish maintenance best practices to ensure optimal production equipment performace
  • Drive continuous improvement in quality, efficiency, and productivity


  • 5+ years of relevant experience at supervisory level in printing manufacturing
  • Extensive experience in book, stationery, and package printing
  • Comprehensive knowledge of post-press processes, including machineries and materials properties
  • Strong leadership and management ability
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Station in PRC (Shenzhen) 5 days per week
  • Higher Diploma / Degree holder in Printing, Manufacturing, Engineering, or related discipline

Double Pay and Medical Coverage will be offered to the successful applicant.

Apply Now! Submit your resume with full details of experience and qualifications. Please also indicate of your expected salary and available date to hr@anpak.com.

We look forward to speaking with you. All personal data collected will be strictly used for recruitment purpose only.


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