職位要求: |
New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association
Since 1965, New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association is dedicated to recovery-oriented, people-focused and evidence-based community mental health service development. The Association, with a team of over 1,000 staff members, operates more than 70 service units and projects to render residential services, employment and vocational training, community support for 18,000 people in recovery with mental illness (PIR) and their families, as well as provide mental health education to 78,000 general public annually. As a result of our passionate belief in social inclusion and self-reliance for PIR , we have established different social enterprises with over 20 projects operating currently promoted the well-being message under the brand “330", which in Cantonese carries the homophonous meaning “body, mind and spirit" – the balance of which we all strive to attain.
- 咖啡店之日常營運包括水吧工作及沖製咖啡飲品、準備食物、收銀、客戶服務、樓面及廚房清潔;
- 帶領復康訓練及督導服務使用者。
- 最少一年工作經驗;
- 具咖啡店工作經驗或懂咖啡拉花技巧更佳;
- 良好英語及普通話。
- 有薪年假10天起、法定假期13天、婚假、分娩假、侍產假、恩恤假、醫療保險、在職培訓及良好晉升階梯等。
應徵者請註明申請職位、職位編號及要求待遇,薪金按資歷及經驗而定。 |
企業聯繫方式(請登入查看) |
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