職位要求: |
The Specialists Surgery and Endoscopy Centre is one of the leading medical centres in performing minor operations and endoscopies in Hong Kong. Over the years, we have been striving for excellent medical treatments with holistic patient care and cutting edge technologies. Above all, we are dedicated to offering every of our patient distinguished medical experiences with sincerity, integrity and morality. A new operation model with diagnostic and imaging SERVICES will be introduced to provide patients an even more exhaustive range of medical service. To cope with the business development, we are now inviting high caliber candidate to join us with the following position: To cope with the business development, we are now inviting high caliber candidate to join with us.
- 以良好的客戶服務態度回答客人查詢
- 處理病人登記,包括病人資料輸入及文件準備
- 處理預約安排
- 處理收款程序及醫療卡
- 能夠在節奏急速的環境中工作
- 保持一個有條理的接待區
- 有相關經驗者優先
- 有良好的溝通技巧
- 能在壓力情況下工作
- 積極及主動
- 良好的中英文書寫和溝通
- MS office及一般電腦知識
企業聯繫方式(請登入查看) |
只有註冊會員才可以看到企業詳細的聯繫方式,享受更完善服務,歡迎註冊成為我們的會員! |
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