職位要求: |
- 申請人要需具備兩封推薦信 Recommendation letters required
- 負責考試監考 Examination invigilation
- 資料輸入 Data entry
My client is looking for high caliber to join as an Exam Services Assistant. 招聘英文考試監考員。 職責 Responsibilities: - 協助英文考試舉行及監考工作。
- Support the organizing of examinations and responsible for the examination invigilation.
- 處理考生登記,回應有關查詢。
- Handle candidates registration and respond to their enquiries.
- 一般資料輸入工作。
- Data entry.
- 其他上司指派工作。
- Ad-hoc duties as assigned.
要求 Requirements: - 大專以上學歷。
- Non-degree tertiary or above in any disciplines.
- 一年工作經驗。
- 1 year work experience.
- 需具備兩封由前僱主、學校或老師寫的推薦信。
- At least 2 recommendation letters from previous employers, teachers or school can be provided.
- 誠實及細心。
- Honest and detail minded.
- 良好溝通及人際關係。
- Strong at communication and interpersonal skills.
- 良好電腦文書處理。
- Proficient in MS Office Applications.
- 良好粵語、國語及英語。
- Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese).
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