職位要求: |
Job dutiesJob Summary
The remit of this post is to provide robust administrative support to the Head and staff of the Flora Conservation Department, which is one of KFBG’s five programme departments and is dedicated to conserving the plants of Hong Kong and the wider region. As a central contact point for the 70+ staff of the department, excellent social and organisational skills are essential, as are a proactive spirit and an adaptable nature. We seek someone educated to degree level with a minimum of 5 years professional administrative experience. The post-holder supervises one Administrative Assistant.
Major responsibilities
- This is a people management role. The incumbent will report to the Head of Flora Department.
- The post-holder is expected to:
- Execute a wide range of routine administrative duties to ensure the smooth and cohesive operation of the department.
- Support the Head of Department and other Senior Officers in preparing the annual budget.
- Monitor the daily inflow and outflow of the departmental budget and ensure all income and costs are accurately recorded.
- Draft, check and record purchase orders, invoices and reimbursements, and ensure all documents are correctly authorised prior to circulation.
- Handle petty cash.
- Coordinate all payments, reimbursements and income with KFBG’s central Accounts Office.
- Maintain the departmental duty record (attendance, leave, outside duty, etc.) and coordinate all personnel matters with HR.
- Assist the Head of Department with the compilation, editing and submission of departmental documents, including periodic progress reports, annual reports, and so on.
- File departmental documents in both physical and digital formats, and ensure all directories are maintained in an orderly fashion.
- Maintain records on departmental fixed assets, including laptops, digital cameras, GPS units, walkie-talkies, etc.
- Check and prepare various kinds of correspondence, protocols and memos for internal and external dissemination.
- Devise and/or maintain forms for all administrative purposes.
- Translate (Chinese/English) and/or edit regulations, notices and other circulars for the attention of departmental staff.
- Assist in interpreting between Chinese/English in departmental meetings, workshops and other ad hoc gatherings.
- Participate in and take minutes at regular departmental meetings.
- Arrange air tickets, accommodation, insurance, VISA applications, etc. for staff trips.
- Supervise the departmental Administrative Assistant.
- Provide logistical support for the organisation of group tours, team-building activities and other large- and small-scale events for the department and KFBG.
Other Duties
- In addition, the post-holder will be expected to:
- Strive to work in line with KFBG values, in pursuit of the Vision and Mission of the organisation, and to self-assess performance in this regard.
- Participate in occasional activities arranged by KFBG to develop the culture of the organisation.
- Handle general enquiries by phone and email, and follow up as necessary.
- Order books and other publications and help ensure the orderly maintenance of the departmental library.
- Requirements
- Strong written and oral communication skills in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.
- Numerically competent.
- Competent in the use of standard desktop software, including MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.).
- Educated to at least Bachelor level or equivalent.
- ≥5 years professional administrative experience.
- Ability to work in a dynamic, multi-disciplinary, technical environment.
- Willing to work occasionally on weekends or public holidays, as needed (compensation leave will be provided).
- Detail-oriented, open-minded and recognizes the validity of all spiritual paths.
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