Position Requirement: |
您有沒有想過自己可以…… 拯救生命,為災民帶來希望 為失明人士送上光明未來 救救地球,為保育環保出一分力 幫助兒童接受教育,改變命運
招聘日詳情如下: 日期:2018年8月13日至8月17日 (星期一至五) 時間:10:00-13:00 及 15:00-17:00 (講座及即場面試,敬請預約) 地點:九龍長沙灣道910號安泰大廈11樓 (港鐵荔枝角站C出口)
籌募大使:月薪 $13,000 積極、勤奮、良好溝通者月薪可達 $20,000
晉升階梯: 籌募大使→見習籌募組長/見習籌募主任→籌募組長→培訓主任/項目主任/籌募主管 **工作或學歷較低可應徵籌募大使 **具大學程度者可應徵見習籌募主任
入職要求: 需要零售、銷售管理經驗兩年或以上 喜歡戶外工作和與人溝通 富責任感、積極主動、樂觀正面 熱愛團隊工作、具服務社會熱忱 具領導才能
福利: |
Company contact ways(Please login and view) |
As long as registered members can see the detailed contact ways of companies and enjoy complete service. |
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Why do I need to register CV?(Register my CV now to easily find a good job.)
- Thousands of HR managers search CV via Job852.com. There will be unexpected interviews.
- Enjoy the unique recruitment service of Job852.com and recommend the latest positions to your e-mail every day.
- You can register your CV on Job852.com to be free from repeating registration.
- You can set hidden or open status of CV to guarantee your privacy and be free from disturb.
Special Reminding:
- Members can release position on this site while the person who release it is in charge of authenticity. If there is any false information of the recruitment,please report to us and we will handle it after verification.
- When making phone calls,please note that you see this information on Job852.com.
- If you see the contact way of company is hidden,please apply for positions after register CV.The system will auto send your CV.