Position Requirement: |
美聯物業💛將軍澳嘉悅商場龍頭舗 誠徵 💢見習營業員 冇牌白紙 專人指導 悉心栽培 💢物業顧問 有牌初哥 專業教授 提升競爭 💢高級客戶經理 經驗老手 轉換環境 共同掘金 優勢🌈龍頭旺鋪 客源不絶 要求🌈敬業樂業 態度熱誠 環境🌈具備濃厚 工作氣氛 待遇🌈底薪+津貼+佣金(10k-25k) 只要你年滿18歲,新移民,轉工者,DSE、你就可以選擇佣金無上限、月入數十萬的機會 📣📣 💥令私人聘請資料輸入員或電話調查員💥
有意者請在線申請工作,謝謝! |
Company contact ways(Please login and view) |
As long as registered members can see the detailed contact ways of companies and enjoy complete service. |
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- Thousands of HR managers search CV via Job852.com. There will be unexpected interviews.
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- You can register your CV on Job852.com to be free from repeating registration.
- You can set hidden or open status of CV to guarantee your privacy and be free from disturb.
Special Reminding:
- Members can release position on this site while the person who release it is in charge of authenticity. If there is any false information of the recruitment,please report to us and we will handle it after verification.
- When making phone calls,please note that you see this information on Job852.com.
- If you see the contact way of company is hidden,please apply for positions after register CV.The system will auto send your CV.