Position Requirement: |
- 可邊學邊做,工作簡單,有專業在職培訓
- 團隊合作,透過小組討論分享工作經驗
- 不時有團隊活動及旅行
- 工作自由度高
- 非金融本科求職者都會考慮
唔識唔緊要,我哋好樂意一步步教導你 寓學習於工作,透過一系列嘅專業培訓吸取專業嘅理財知識,唔止可以喺工作上對你有幫助,仲可以將與時並進嘅環球市場資訊同身邊嘅親朋好友一齊分享,幫到人仲有滿足感! |
Company contact ways(Please login and view) |
As long as registered members can see the detailed contact ways of companies and enjoy complete service. |
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- Thousands of HR managers search CV via Job852.com. There will be unexpected interviews.
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- You can register your CV on Job852.com to be free from repeating registration.
- You can set hidden or open status of CV to guarantee your privacy and be free from disturb.
Special Reminding:
- Members can release position on this site while the person who release it is in charge of authenticity. If there is any false information of the recruitment,please report to us and we will handle it after verification.
- When making phone calls,please note that you see this information on Job852.com.
- If you see the contact way of company is hidden,please apply for positions after register CV.The system will auto send your CV.