Position Requirement: |
Job duties工作職責:
- 一般文書工作, 打字, 資料輸入, 檔案掃描, 校對, 影印等
- 回答簡單查詢
- 外勤工作如外出交收文件, 執拾檔案, 運送辦公室物資到其他辦事處
- 星期一至五, 0835 - 1733, 星期六, 日, 公眾假期休息
- 工作地點: 旺角西 (奧運站)
- 9 個月合約, 表現良好有續約機會
- 月薪 HK$9,800
- 中學會考/文憑試五科合格或等同學歷以上
- 經驗不拘, 可即時上班者優先
請電郵或 whatsapp 履歷表給我們, 當中請清楚列明學歷, 工作經驗, 及申請編號: RE-BD-1108
本公司電郵 (apexcv@ymail.com) 及 whatsapp 93781264
一切由此收集得來之個人資料只會用作招聘用途,並會絕對保密 |
Company contact ways(Please login and view) |
As long as registered members can see the detailed contact ways of companies and enjoy complete service. |
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Why do I need to register CV?(Register my CV now to easily find a good job.)
- Thousands of HR managers search CV via Job852.com. There will be unexpected interviews.
- Enjoy the unique recruitment service of Job852.com and recommend the latest positions to your e-mail every day.
- You can register your CV on Job852.com to be free from repeating registration.
- You can set hidden or open status of CV to guarantee your privacy and be free from disturb.
Special Reminding:
- Members can release position on this site while the person who release it is in charge of authenticity. If there is any false information of the recruitment,please report to us and we will handle it after verification.
- When making phone calls,please note that you see this information on Job852.com.
- If you see the contact way of company is hidden,please apply for positions after register CV.The system will auto send your CV.