職位要求: |
Roles & responsibilities:- Conduct market research and feasibility studies to explore and investigate potential investment and development opportunities in the market;
- take financial viability into account in reviewing property development and asset enhancements plans for investment properties;
- evaluate market rentals of the existing investment properties to optimize annual total rental income;
- recommend the acquisition of suitable properties with high investment value to replenish the land bank and negotiate with public and private sectors on all land and rating matters including land grants and premium;
- handle enquiries from user Divisions/Branches to provide professional insights and advice on property development projects and land matters in a timely manner;
- periodically review and assess the open market value of investment properties and prepare investment properties portfolio for accounting and financial purposes;
- constantly update, analyze and report relevant information and news regarding property sales, rentals, auctions, construction cost movements, town plan zonings, new development and planning applications, major development and construction; and
- coordinate all development projects with consultants and joint-venture partners to ensure production of quality and effective works.
The ideal candidate should possess: |
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