職位要求: |
Responsibilities: Responsible for selling and promoting the company’s products and services in retail shops Achieve the assigned sales and services targets in meeting with customer needs Handle customer enquiries/complaints and provide good customer service Handle and advise customer inquiries on usage issue of Smart devices, mobile equipment and Mobile Broadband equipment Provide customize and personalize solutions on the applications in using VAS and APPs Assist to monitor the stock count process in Retail Shop to ensure stock accuracy Verification of customer information updates activities Verification of Reports generated by system to minimize fall out cases Perform cashier function in shops and assist in all daily operations to provide the best service to customer on all non-sales activities Provide data backup and data transferred services support to customers, keep and use customer data in compliance to PCO ordinance
Requirements: Form 5/ DSEor above with at least2years sales and customer service experience(Candidates with more experience will be considered as Senior Sales Rep). Interest in the mobile industry business mode and development, experiences in using iPhones, Smartphones, internetand data products with social media is a definite advantage Outgoing with good interpersonal and communication skills Good command ofspoken English, Cantonese and Putonghua Customer oriented and able to work independently under pressure Willing to take up shift duties and work on Weekends and Public Holidays
工作內容: 致力為客人提供最佳顧客體驗,關懷所有客人,達到服務準則 專業地推介各種流動通話和流動數據服務以達到銷售目標並滿足顧客需要,同時兼顧多項工作要求 處理客人有關使用智能裝置、黑莓、流動裝置、流動寬頻和其他電腦設備的疑問,並提供建議 提供個人化的有關增值服務和應用程式的方案 有耐心並有效處理客人的疑問 確保店內銷售程序跟隨公司內部指引 協助監察貨存 確認客人及報告的資料 擔當收銀員的角色並協助店舖的日常運作,不論是否與銷售有關 維護資料備存和時刻保持正直及對保護資料和私隱安全性的警覺性
工作要求: 中學文憑試/中學會考程度或以上,具2年或以上銷售和客戶服務及電訊業經驗者,優先處理 具更豐富經驗者會獲考慮安排出任高級銷售代表 能以流利中英文和普通話溝通 高度以客為本,有耐性、關懷客人需要、有良好溝通技巧,以服務目標為本 對流動通訊行業的業務性質和發展感興趣;具使用iPhones,智能電話、互聯網和數據產品與社交平台經驗者優先 能同時兼顧多項銷售工作要求;外向、思想正面及能在壓力下工作 願意擔當輪班工作,並在周末及公眾假期工作
有意者請在線申請工作,謝謝! Interested parties, please apply the job via Job852.com!
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