Deciding Your Career Path
      作者:匿名     來源: 網絡     發佈時間:12/14/2009 6:42:27 PM     流覽次數:5913

As a fresh graduate looking for your first job, you may wonder what kind of job available on the market is the most suitable for you. You may want to know if you are on the right track to further develop in that particular career field. Before you apply for jobs, take some time to think. The following are areas you may consider before deciding what career path you are going to take.

Life Goal
What do you want to do in life? When talking about the kind of job you are going to choose, this question may seem irrelevant. But your first job is the start of your career. And your career is lifelong. So, if the career path you take does not interest you at all, you will not be happy in your life.

Personal Interests
What do you like to do in your daily life? Take into consideration your personal interests. Find the industry or job position that matches your interests. You would be motivated to do the job if you find it interesting.

Education Background
Which were your favourite subjects at school? Why did you choose your major of study in university? When you chose your area of study, there must be certain qualities related to certain job industry that are attractive to you and suit your personality. Think of why you chose your major and this may give you hints to find out the industry that is suitable for you to develop in career.

Work Experience
Which summer or part-time jobs you took up in the past do you find the most interesting? This may give you hints about the industry or job positions you will be interested in because you have had real experience in working for that particular industry before.

Expected Development
What do you expect your career life to be in five or ten years from now? Find out information from the market if the industry you are going to join can meet your expected developments in future.


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