職位要求: |
As part of the Support Team, you are responsible for:
1. Programming and script writing for system integration and routine jobs scheduling 2. Maintain client-server and web application systems 3. User support on application functions, data fixing and ad-hoc requests 4. Develop and execute system and user acceptance test plans 5. Perform some database administration tasks 6. Coordinate with third party vendors in project implementation and fairground onsite support 7. Prepare and assist systems / servers upgrade | | Requirements:
1. Degree in Computer Studies or equivalent 2. Minimum 2 years programming experience 3. Experience in developing applications using Microsoft .Net, ASP, Visual Basic, PL-SQL, HTML and XML 4. Knowledge/ Experience in Oracle RDBMS, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access 5. Familiar with Microsoft Visual Studio, .NET development 6. Able to work under pressure and tight schedule 7. Self-motivated and able to work independently 8. Good command of written and communication skill with users/ vendors
Interested parties, please apply
the job via Job852.com! |
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