職位要求: |
- Bachelor of business degree or related field or over 8 years work experience in vendor management, supply chain cycle or procurement
- Minimum of 3 years of compliance and ethics experience, preferably for a multi-national public company. Banking and financial services background preferred
- Must have in-depth knowledge of key procurement operations processes and current best practices, including experience in procurement-to-pay technology and related processes and spend analysis
- Working knowledge and awareness international compliance-related laws, regulations and industry standards, such as global anti-corruption (FCPA and other international anti-corruption laws), records retention, global trade sanctions, import/export, legislative and regulatory tracking, Code of Conduct, compliance investigations and corporate ethics initiatives, among others
- Demonstrated leadership, ability to drive results and engage senior leaders, and ability to influence cross-organizational stakeholders and decision makers with different geographical and operational responsibilities. Proven track record of building consensus, forging coalitions and leveraging professional relationships to achieve strategic objectives and to create an effective “culture of compliance”
- Excellent presentation and communication skills, both oral and written
- Proven ability to thrive and deliver in a highly demanding, innovative and constantly changing fast-paced corporate environment. Demonstrated ability to regularly re-prioritize risks, objectives and action plans based on an evolving corporate and regulatory landscape
- Ability to provide coaching and guidance to people of diverse backgrounds and cultures, to drive effective adoption of programs and initiatives
- Must have proficient PC skills e.g. Excel
Please apply online via job852 talent net position, are met. |
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