職位要求: |
Responsibilities: - Responsible for the overall planning and operations of the Ocean Terminal port facility to ensure safe, secure, efficient and effective operations of the passenger terminal facility
- Oversee berth booking, assignment and scheduling, berthing of cruise vessels, management of embarkation and disembarkation of passengers for both home-port and port-of-call operations, luggage handling, housekeeping of terminal facilities, traffic and security arrangements for the terminal and grounds.
- Enforce, monitor and continuously refine the operational procedures with respect to berth booking & confirmation, manpower scheduling, billings, website-updating, data and statistics collection
- Liaise with users of berthing facilities and effectively manage inquiries and complaints
- Ensure compliance with lease conditions of the Terminal and the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS)
- Collect and provide cruise or related market intelligence for terminal business development
- Coordinate internally with relevant departments on facility maintenance and repairs, new or premises improvement projects whilst working closely with Government departments/agencies, other port facility operators as well as industry-related associations such as cruise liners, HKTB and travel agencies.
Requirements : - Tertiary educated, preferably holder of Class 2 Certificate of Nautical Studies or above with broad training on fire-fighting, first-aid, navigation aids, safety management and security of ship and port facility. Possession of Port Facility Security Officer an advantage
- Minimum 10 years of maritime working experience connected with port operations, marine-related industry. Candidates with experience at Marine Department or shipping agents will also be considered
- Good understanding of cruise industry and its associated business partnership
- Proactive, resourceful and able to grasp business opportunities
- Strong leadership, organizing and communication skills in both English and Chinese (including Putonghua)
- Interested parties, please apply the job via Job852.com!
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