歡迎來到 香港人才網代理招聘

職位名稱: Flight Operations Officer    過期職位
提供月薪: 面議 工作類型: 全職
學歷要求: 中學程度 工作地點: 中國香港
招聘人數: 1 工作經驗: 1年
更新日期: 2022年10月08日 職位類型:


About SATS HK Limited

SATS HK Limited is a joint venture of Hong Kong Airlines Ltd and SATS Ltd.  We provide a full spectrum of professional ground handling services at the Hong Kong International Airport including both passenger and ramp handling services to airline customers.  For more information, please visit our facebook (https://www.facebook.com/satshongkong)

 We are now inviting high caliber individuals to join us for the following position.

新翔 (香港有限公司為香港航空新加坡新翔集團的合資公司,在香港國際機場提供一站式優質卓越的停機坪及旅客地勤服務。為配合業務發展,現正積極招攬各方人才加入SATS HK團隊。

我們誠邀對航空業充滿熱誠的您,與我們一同體驗您的「飛」一般之旅。加入 SATS HK成為我們的STAR, 開展您的夢想道路。

Job Description

Ideal job for Aviation and Airport Lover

Promoted to Officer after 0.5 year!


  • Responsible for flight operations on the day-to-day basis in Hong Kong International Airport


  • Assist Flight Operations Supervisor to perform Load Control & Ramp-Coordinators duties and prepare necessary flight dispatch documentation

  • To comply with all regulations and requirements with regards to health, safety and security set by the Company and relevant authorities while on duty

  • Take reasonable care of the health and safety of self and of others

  • Carry out any other duties as required and directed by the Company

Capabilities and Experience:

  • F.5/DSE or above

  • Strong numerical ability

  • Independent as well as a good team player

  • Customer focus and willing to go the extra mile

  • Detail-minded is essential

  • Good spoken & written English, Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Shift duties required

  • Fresh graduate are welcome

  • Candidates with more experience will be considered for Senior Positions.

We offer competitive remuneration and benefits package, including:

  • 17 Public Holidays

  • Discount/Free Flight Tickets

  • Medical & Dental Insurance (Employee & Dependent)

  • Discretionary Bonus

  • Referral Bonus

  • Paternity/Maternity Leave

  • Marriage Leave

  • Birthday Coupon

  • New Born Baby Coupon

  • Overtime Payment

  • Daily Shift Allowance

  • Night Shift Allowance

  • Typhoon Allowance

  • On Job Training 

  • Promising career path for further development

Please send your cover letter and resume with present & expected salary and available date via Apply Now or satshk_recruit@ satshk.com or Whatsapp at 6686 8908

Apply now if you’re ready to take the challenge!  

We are an equal opportunity employer. Personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and be used solely for recruitment purposes. Applicants who do not hear from us within 8 weeks may consider their applications unsuccessful. All information regarding unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed within 12 months.


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