歡迎來到 香港人才網代理招聘

職位名稱: Marketing Officer    過期職位
提供月薪: 面議 工作類型: 全職
學歷要求: 文憑/證書 工作地點: 中國香港
招聘人數: 1 工作經驗: 3年
更新日期: 2023年02月06日 職位類型:


Job duties

We are the largest Hong Kong based air caterer offering services to over 50 international airlines. We are now looking for qualified candidates to join our team. Here you can search for any job openings and download application form.
We believe people are our greatest asset. To continue our success in the business, we need professional and energetic people to join our team.
  • Liaise with internal and external parties on production of marketing collaterals such as e-DM, e-Newsletter, promotion leaflet, poster to promote our products and services
  • Conduct market research and survey to analyse market trends, competitor offerings, demographics, and other information that affects marketing strategies
  • Assist in marketing campaign development and execution, tracking and reporting
  • Customize marketing promotion / programmes to drive sales and consumer traffic
  • Assist in planning and executing corporate functions including festive events and customer visits and industry gatherings, etc.
  • Assist in managing the content for all corporate information on company website and social medias
  • Perform clerical and administration and other ad-hoc duties as assigned by the Management
  • Higher diploma or above in Business Administration, Marketing, Hotel and Hospitality and Tourism or equivalent
  • Minimum 2 years’ relevant experience in sales and/or marketing, preferably in the aviation / catering industry; Candidate with food and beverage knowledge would be an advantage
  • Strong teamwork, interpersonal, communication skills and self-motivated Creative and customer orientated
  • Fluency in written and spoken, both in Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) and English
  • Able to perform multi-tasking and work independently and efficiently to meet tight deadlines
  • Excellent in Microsoft Office, especially Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint
  • Knowledge in design software will be an advantage


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  • 電話聯繫時請說明是在 香港人才網 看到此職位信息。
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