職位要求: |
Job dutiesWe are currently seeking Chemistry and Biology teachers to teach students through IGCSE, GCE and IB curriculum. Candidates have to be able to contribute in a result-oriented and team work environment.
General Requirements:
- Degree holder in Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry or equivalent programmes
- Able to speak English fluently with an accurate accent
- Able to converse in basic Cantonese
- Possess the following qualities: motivated, confident, enthusiastic, patient, friendly, positive and versatile
Job Responsibilities:
- Planning personalized classes and monitoring students' progress
- Reporting to the supervisor about lesson development & students' performances
- Competitive remuneration package
- Seasonal bonus scheme based on performance
- Professional on-the-job training
- Career advancement to senior positions
- Flexible 5-day work week
- Medical insurance
- Full sponsorship of monthly staff social events
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